Japanese n-scale models imported directly from Japan!
The idea for J-Scale was born when we realised how many people struggled to import japanese models themself for various reasons. Although manufactureres from Japan, like Kato or Tomix, are well known in Europe already, we realised people still had trouble to get their favorite Shinkansen for their collection. Trouble managing customs. Not being sure wich japanese vendor to use. Payment issues on foreign websites. And probably a few more. Being model train enthusiasts ourselfs and having established a well setup method to import from Japan to Berlin/Germany, we figured we can share our expertise and offer others in the World the possibility to order (and more importatnly: pre-order!) all the n-scale japanese models they desire, without the hassle of customs, taxes or shipping uncertainities. Every package at J-Scale is shipped directly from Berlin/Germany from within the European Union! We aim to help you pre-order all your desired models without any second thoughts! Thanks for choosing J-Scale!